Before the leap (2012)

I was interested in the similarities between the practice of sleeping and dreaming and the practice of painting – one and the other being individual and unpredictable processes with direct effects. These effects are manifested as leaps, In painting as “error” and in sleeping as dream, which can further cause changes in the existing method. This work was largely inspired by Brian Eno’s “Ambient 1; music for airports”, it was even exhibited a couple of times in combination with the mentioned music. My intension was to provoke a seemingly calm and passive situation in which a leap could occur.

“Prije skoka / Before the leap” je naziv serije od 7 ulja i bitumena na platnu prvi put izloženih u Galeriji SC u ožujku 2012.

Zanimaju me sličnosti između prakse spavanja i sanjanja te slikarske prakse; jedno i drugo su individualni nepredvidljivi procesi s izravnim posljedicama. Te se posljedice očituju skokovima – u slikanju “greška”, u spavanju snovi, koji nadalje mogu biti uzrok promjenama postojećeg načina.

Ovaj sam rad nekoliko puta izlagao u kombinaciji sa kompozicijom Briana Ena “Ambient 1; music for airports”. Namjera mi je provocirati naizgled mirnu i pasivnu situaciju u kojoj će se skok (eng. leap) dogoditi.